Our commitment as an association is to promote sustainable palm culture through three basic pillars: financial, environmental and social sustainability.

The sustainability of an oil palm project begins with the implementation of financially profitable practices that guarantee investment in the future and make it possible to advance in the route to social and environmental sustainability.
In this regard, we focus on enhancing investment competitiveness in oil palm in the country through outstanding performance and commitment to good agricultural practices, services and technology transfer.

The environment

A key consideration to attain sustainable agricultural production is to produce more with less. GREPALMA guides the development of the palm agro-industry to standardize good cultivation practices; we understand the growing global demand for palm oil produced with socially and environmentally responsible practices. This has encouraged the palm-growing sector to ensure the development of the crop in a scenario of production improvement, in the understanding that conservation means both development as well as environmental protection.

Evidence of the high productive efficiency and good practice implementation in the oil palm agro-industry is found in the study Estimation of Greenhouse Effect Gas Emissions (GHG) in Palm Oil Production in Guatemala, done with the technical support of USAIS’s Project on Low Emission Development. The study determined that the emissions associated to oil production in Guatemala represent 0.45% of total national emissions, lower than in other palm oil producing countries.


Environmental responsibility
Protecting and preserving natural resources in the long term, the use of good agricultural practices and the implementation of permanent improvements for efficient production that does not harm the environment are all key factors for palm oil producers in Guatemala.
Soil Protection
Protecting soil, one of the most valuable resources, is key to oil palm production. Good agricultural practices guarantee responsible management of residues and the re-incorporation of organic matter that enriches soil and protects it from erosion and deterioration
Water conservation and responsible use
Water is used responsibly and optimally in palm culture. Soil monitoring programs are in place to measure available moisture, rainfall records are kept and the best technology is used to utilize less water and be more efficient.


All residues are re-incorporated into the crop, thus promoting their integrated management, and taking full advantage of their nutritional value, which benefits the environment.

International standards
The oil palm agro-industry engages in continuous improvement efforts to guarantee the sustainable production of palm oil. This commitment is made evident in Guatemalan companies certified with Roundtable on sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC).
Labor practices
At GREPALMA we believe that an important pillar to ensure labor sustainability is fair salaries and good working conditions for workers in the palm oil sector. We believe that the generation of formal and decent employment contributes to the development of the communities in the area of influence. We encourage compliance with current national labor regulations, as well as with other requirements from national, regional and international conventions that have been executed by the country. We support and promote the continuous improvement of working conditions in the palm oil sector.

Good neighbor
It is a fact that oil palm has revitalized the local economy of communities that are close to palm projects.
Aware of the importance of the oil palm crop in our country we work to develop communication and community inclusion mechanisms to build the relationship between palm projects and communities of influence, while seeking the wellbeing of regions where the crop is grown.

Oil palm companies are aware of the needs of communities that are close to oil palm plantations and consequently invest and engage in their own efforts and work with other local institutions to give their neighbors access to health, education, infrastructure and local development. Through these efforts they benefit more

than 58 THOUSAND persons during 2021 and more than Q 7,000,000 in investment during 2021.
Dynamization of the
local economy







more than