Development for Guatemala
Oil palm is the most efficient crop for edible oil production in the world, because it produces more oil per hectare, requiring less soil and space than other oleaginous crops.
As a result of good agricultural practices, the average national yield of raw palm oil is around 5.86 metric tons per hectare, thus exceeding the world average of 3.76 metric tons per hectare. Good agricultural practices aimed at sustainability improve productivity efficiency per hectare, thus protecting natural resources.
The oil palm sector
of Guatemala’s GDP
The oil palm sector
in Guatemala provides
Direct jobs and supports 150,600 indirect jobs and beneficiaries.
Guatemala #1 in Latin America in terms of volume of sustainable certified palm oil

Oil palm exports amount to over

of the palm oil production was exported to the world in 2021

Guatemala #1 in global productivity
of CPO total production was certified by international standards such as RSPO e ISCC

Financial impact of oil palm in the departments where the crop is grown.

Financial benefits generated by the oil palm crop

Increased investment in Guatemala

Growth of the GDP

Job creation

Development of the quality of life of communities


Reduced food insecurity

Reduced reliance on imports


Reduced reliance on imports

Foreign Exchange generation
More information here