From February 28, 29 to March 1, 2024, the Palm Growers Association of Guatemala will hold the IV Palm Congress: Transforming the Environment.
The palm oil agroindustry in Guatemala has positioned itself well internationally thanks to its high levels of productivity and sustainability. Along this journey, the sector has shown how it is transforming its environment, achieving local development for Guatemalans, seeking balance between environment and productivity, creating growth opportunities for all, opening new markets, adopting clean technologies and building trust with its multiple stakeholders.
Sharing experiences, trends and lessons becomes critical, and that is why the IV PALM CONGRESS 2023 is organized for all the actors in the value chain of the national and international palm oil agroindustry to meet and build mutual support.
CPAL 2023 will present viable and practical solutions within the reach of producers and processors. The main objective of this event is to present and share trends, news and future scenarios on issues of agricultural production, markets and sustainability, as well as to promote networking opportunities that enrich the environment and accomplish business transformation.
The picturesque and traditional city of La Antigua Guatemala, backdrop to the splendid colonial Hispanic culture of the region, declared "World Heritage" by UNESCO in 1979, again takes center stage as the venue of this important event, which has been building a solid reputation in the international oil palm community.